Kumari Palany & Co

Significance of Womens Day

Posted on: 08/Mar/2019 9:03:34 AM
A day to celebrate women - The International Women’s Day 2019 will be celebrated across the world where womanhood is celebrated across verticals including social, political, economy, cultural, etc. Notable contributions of women are acknowledged and appreciated. The 8th of March was declared as International Women’s Day by the UN back in 1977.

With the onset of 20th century, in Europe and North America, the International Women’s Day had begun as a result of labor movement activities. The socialists and communist countries had adopted this day International Women’s Day before the UN did. It was originally celebrated as the day of International Working Women’s Day. In 1909, in New York City, legends say the day used to be conducted as socialist political event.

Since then, the International Women’s day has absorbed attention from across the world in many different countries.

United Nations website states that the UN and other agencies are showing more encouragement towards participation of more number of women in making sustainable development in terms of security, peace, and so on. Among the efforts of UN, women empowerment stands atop and remains to continue too.

In addition to focusing on developments particularly made by women, there is also importance given on gender equality. There is good importance shown on feminism as well. Annually, there is a theme being worked on to celebrate the women’s day. Accordingly, this year, the theme is to think equal, build smart, and innovate to make a change.