As the filing for contesting in the coming parliamentary election in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry is set to conclude tomorrow, the constants from various parties are filing their nominations today (Monday, 25th March).
The parliamentary election for 40 constituencies in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry is scheduled on 18th April. On the same date, the legislative assembly elections for 18 vacant constituencies will also be conducted.
In this respect, the filing for contesting commenced on 19th March. Subsequently, the contestants from the political parties DMK, AIADMK, BJP, PMK, and DMDK candidates filed their nominations.
During the first 4 days since the filing of nominations commenced, 254 candidates have filed their nominations. Out of this, 29 are women. Further, a transgender has also applied to contest from the Madurai parliamentary constituency.
For the 18 seats in the Legislative Assembly, 72 candidates have filed their nominations. Out of this, 18 are women.
As the past Saturday and Sunday were holidays, the filing for contesting is open again from today (25th March, Monday). As tomorrow (Tuesday, 26th March) is the last day, many of the contestants are preparing to file their nominations today itself!
Apart from the DMK candidates who have already filed their nominations, the remaining DMK nominated contestants are expected to file their nominations today (25th March).
Similarly, it is expected that the candidates from other parties – Congress, AMMK, MNM, etc., are also expected to file their nominations.
The scrutiny of the applicants is to be conducted on Wednesday ( 27th March).