The world’s favourite jeweller, Joyalukkas inaugurated their 4th showroom in Chennai at T Nagar. The Showroom has been inaugurated by Bollywood Actress Kajol Devgan in the presence of Mr. Joy Alukkas ( CMD, Joyalukkas Group), Mrs. Jolly Joy Alukkas (Director, Joyalukkas Group), Mr. John Paul Alukkas (Executive Director, Joyalukkas Group),Mr. Antony Jos( Director, Joyalukkas Group), Ms. Elsa Joy ( Director, Joyalukkas Group), Mr. Prashanth( Actor ) and other dignitaries
The world’s favourite jeweller, Joyalukkas, will further expand its presence in India with the inauguration of 3 brand-new showrooms in Chennai, Coimbatore and Madurai.
The grand inauguration of the T Nagar showroom in Chennai is scheduled on 24th April 2019 and Joyalukkas Brand Ambassador, iconic Bollywood star, Kajol Devgan inaugurated the showroom. Kajol also unveiled the much awaited AkshayaTritiya Collection for Tamil Nadu during her visit.
“Tamil Nadu is very special for us. We are extremely grateful to the support and patronage we have received from our valued customers here and this has encouraged us to expandour presence and serve more customers here” said Joy Alukkas, Chairman & MD, Joyalukkas Group.
KajolDevgan the Joyalukkas Brand Ambassador said, “I am extremely excited to be a part of the new Joyalukkas showrooms. I am not only getting the honour to inaugurate the new showroom but will also be the one unveiling the auspicious AkshayaTritiya collection. Other than this, I will have the pleasure of meeting thousands of jewellery lovers who come for the grand opening. I look forward to meeting them all at Joyalukkas.”
The new showrooms will offer its customers the same world-class shopping jewellery experience expected from brand Joyalukkas. For diamond lovers, the new showrooms will have a dedicated floor for diamond jewellery, covering the latest in trend, style and design. To celebrate the opening, Joyalukkas has announced a ‘Free Sure Gifts’ offer to reward every customer for their purchase.
Mr. Joy Alukkas, Chairman & MD, Joyalukkas Group said “The brand-new showrooms in Tamil Nadu is a step further to our vision 2020 of having 200 showrooms across the world. Our vision is to ornament the world and hence we are spreading our presence to make Joyalukkas accessible to every jewellery lover around the world. I cordially invite all our patrons in Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore to visit our new showroom, explore our exclusive traditional Tamil Nadujewellery collection and take advantage of our best in products, services and our ‘Free Sure Gifts’ offer.”
During the inaugural ‘Free Sure Gifts’ offer period, customers will be presented with free home appliances on every purchase. Customers can avail the exclusive celebratory offer across all showrooms in Tamil Nadu. Apart from the above offer, patrons can also enjoy free maintenance and a one-year free insurance on all jewellery purchased at Joyalukkas.