Tamil Nadu has seen good amount of rainfall activity during the last three to four days, particularly over the interior parts. During the pre-Monsoon season, the state gets to see rains on account of two reasons. The first one being the peninsular trough, which is a semi-permanent feature and keeps oscillating from east-west and vice versa. The second feature is the wind discontinuity which is another regular one and is seen during the season that spans from March to May.
However, these pre-Monsoon rains and thundershowers are now likely to cease. This can be attributed to the likely tropical storm Fani brewing in Bay of Bengal. The system, which was just a cyclonic circulation, has now become more organized and is now a low pressure area over Southeast Bay of Bengal and Equatorial Indian ocean.
According to weathermen, the system will continue to move in west-northwest direction towards Sri Lanka and Tamil Nadu coast. Atmospheric conditions and cloud mass are already indicating towards its further strengthening into a depression shortly and it will take the shape of a cyclonic storm very soon in the next 48 hours, i.e. by either by evening of April 27 or early morning of April 28.
By this time, Fani would have moved closer to the Tamil Nadu coast and would start governing the wind pattern over the Peninsular region. The winds are expected to then concentrate around the system, taking away all the moisture from the southern parts of the country. Winds will be predominantly easterly over the region. Majority of the intense rains would be confined to the sea.
In fact, whenever such situation arrives, all the pre-Monsoon features get merged with the system. Thus, for the next three days, we would not see much of pre-Monsoon activities over Tamil Nadu and adjoining areas. Thereafter, as the cyclone Fani inches closer to the coast, rains will once again commence.
Courtesy: skymetweather.com