The Tamil Nadu Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) Tamil Nadu has announced the results of the Class 10 SSLC exams. The highest pass percentage was recorded in Tirupur district at 98.53 percent, followed by Ramanathapuram with 98.48 percent and Namakkal with 98.45 percent. The overall pass percentage stands at 95.2 percent, with girls outperforming boys at 97 percent versus 93.3 percent.
District wise pass percentage:
Kanyakumari - 98.08%
Tirunelveli - 96.23%
Thoothukudi - 96.95%
Ramanathapuram - 98.48%
Sivagangai - 97.42%
Virudhunagar - 97.92%
Theni - 93.50%
Madurai - 97.29%
Dindigul - 92.40%
Feeder - 96.27%
Tirupur - 98.53%
Coimbatore - 96.44%
Erode - 98.41%
Salem - 95.50%
Namakkal - 98.45%
Krishnagiri - 94.36%
Dharmapuri - 96.00%
Pudukottai - 96.51%
Karur - 95.61%
Ariyalur - 96.71%
Perambalur - 97.33%
Trichy - 96.45%
Nagapattinam - 90.41%
Tiruvarur - 93.35%
Thanjavur - 95.92%
Villupuram - 93.85%
Cuddalore - 92.86%
Thiruvannamalai - 95.56%
Vellore - 89.98%
Kanchipuram - 92.45%
Tiruvallur - 92.91%
Chennai - 94.18%
Karaikal - 95.26%
Puducherry - 98.01%