Hindu communities widely celebrate Akshaya Tritiya as an auspicious celebration. In this year, the Akshaya Tritiya is celebrated today, the 7th of May 2019. According to the Hindu calendar, this day falls to be on Rohini Nakshatra. After over 15 years, today, it is said that the sun, venus, moon and Rahu are getting on an exalted state and hence this day is considered to be highly auspicious compared to all the other Akshaya Tritiya days.
Akshaya is basically a Sanskrit word which means non-diminishing. There are a lot of benefits on this day by doing Yapna, Yajna, Dan punya, etc. On this day, it is a common practice for people to buy gold, believing it would bring goodness and prosperity to families.
The Drik Panchang says on this day, on Akshhaya Tritya in 2019, the ideal Puja Muhurt is between 6.11 and 12.35. The beginning time is 03.17 and ends at 02.17 tomorrow. The Akshaya Tritiya this year can be celebrated by performing pujas for this stipulated 6 hours and 23 minutes time period.
Buying gold today
Shubh Muhurat to buy gold: From 6.26 am to 11.47 am
Since Vedic times, it is believed that buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya is good. For all those who can afford buying gold, they can do so as gold is considered as a symbol of prosperity and wealth.
While buying gold today, there are certain rituals performed. The Drik Panchang says the good time for buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya 2019 is between 27.18 to 30.11.
And the Auspicious Choghadiya falls between the time 27:18 and 30:11.
The night Muhurta is between 27:18+ - 30:11.
For buying gold on Akshaya Tritiya, on 7th May 2019, the ideal Muhurt time is 06:26am to 11:47am.
The good time of Choghadiya is 06:11 to 26:17.
While morning Muhurta (Char, Labh, Amrit) is between 09:23 and 14:11, the Afternoon Muhurta or the Shubh muhurtha is between 15:47 and 17:23. And the evening Muhurta called Labh is between 20:23 - 21:47. And the night muhurta or Shubh, Amrit is 23:11 to 26:17.