Now the children belonging to the schools in Tamil Nadu are enjoying their summer vacations with their parents and friends is known. The latest news is on 3rd June 2019 all the schools belonging to the state board would be reopening. This has been stated in a circular issued by the school education department.
It is important to note that the school education department had given instructions to the schools about preparations for distribution of free textbooks, notebooks and other materials for the students in the government schools and district level officials would be playing a huge role in this.
New textbooks with the revised curriculum for the classes 3, 4, 5 and 8 and for classes 2, 7, 10 and 12 should be dispatched to schools. By this, the textbooks would be made available to the students on the date of the reopening.
From 24th May to 30th May, district level officials have been asked to associate with the schools. This is to make sure that the schools procure textbooks, notebooks and other materials and keep them ready for distribution. It must be noted that there were some thoughts that the school education department would consider extending the summer vacations because of the extremely hot climate conditions and the thought has been cleared now.