Kumari Palany & Co

IIT Madras figures out new ways to crude oil extraction

Posted on: 30/May/2019 10:05:26 AM
New ways of efficient oil extraction from offshore wells are here, as the IIT researchers have developed ways. There is insufficiency of domestic crude oil production in our country. The crude oil thus produced is not enough to meet the demands. The Indian government had announced financial benefits and incentives towards oil and gas recovery out of age old fields. This is promising to increase production by about 120 million tonnes.

Following this, the IIT Madras researchers are involved in assessing the method of Low Salinity Enhanced Oil Recovery or LSEOR which is a fast-emerging oil recovery method. The IITM does this in collaboration with Australian universities - Curtin University and Edith Cowan University.

In his note about this, one of the IIT professors says they are planning for ways to extract crude oil out of geological reservoirs. It is a tedious process. We have a lot more left to understand regarding LSEOR method and its implementation.

These researches are being done by a group of IIT Madras students including Nilesh Jha and Abhijit Kakati. The research gets funded from the hands of Indian Government under the Department of Science and Technology. Results of their findings are issued on Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, and Energy and Fuels.