The news that has come out now is on this Saturday and Sunday, TNTET or Tamil Nadu Teachers Eligibility Test would be conducted in Tamil Nadu and around 6 lakh candidates would be appearing for this test. The interesting information is this TNTET is being conducted in TN after a gap of 2 years.
On 8th June 2019, secondary grade teachers who handle classes 1 to 5 would write TNTET paper 1 and on 9th June 2019, graduate teachers who handle classes 6 and above would write TNTET paper 2. Important piece of news is in the Chennai city, paper 1 would be conducted in 28 centres and paper 2 in as many as 60 centres. From 10 am till 1 pm on both these dates, TNTET exam would be conducted.
The point to be noted is candidates who would be appearing for TNTET include 1500 teachers who were appointed after October 2010 in the government aided schools in TN and have not cleared the exam. In the month of April, a circular was issued by the director of school education and in that it was stated that despite TNTET conducted 4 times from 2010 the teachers didn’t take it up. Now the teachers have been given one last chance to appear for the exam.
Chennai based teacher V. Lakshmi pointed out that for many years appealing for tweaking the syllabus has been going on as it would be advantageous for the teachers as the teachers would have more portions from their subject of specialization in the exam. She expressed her unhappiness regarding paper 2 where she has got just 30 marks for mathematics subject which is her main subject. She added that this was very less for a paper that is tough. In addition to mathematics subject, other subjects of this teacher included Child Pedagogy and Development, English, Tamil and Science.
For the benefit of 1500 teachers, a 10 day training programme has been organised by the department of school education. It was later mentioned by a teacher that this training was not enough. She explained how for paper-2 teachers would have to look through topics from class 6 to 10 that is vast.