The Chennai Metro City Police has launched a new App to facilitate the registration for complaint to the police right from the crime location, whether it is house, office, or other establishments.
An App, known as ‘DIGICOP’ was launched by the Chennai Metro City Police on 6th February in order to trace, track, and locate stolen cell phones.
Now, this App has been upgraded further and the facility of CCTNS service has been added and has been relaunched with the new name ‘DIGICOP 2.0’ on Friday, 15th June.
With this App, the public can directly register the police complaint from wherever they are. Further, details such as the status of the complaint already made and CSR can be accessed from this App.
While addressing the inaugural function of the above App, The Chennai Metro Police Commissioner, A. K. Viswanathan shared:
‘Since the 1st version of this App was launched in February, 72155 persons have uploaded this App on cell phones. 8311 persons have registered complaints on stolen cell phones.
With this, 1227 cell phones have been traced and recovered and handed back to the owners. In a similar trend, 151 motorcycles have been confiscated.
Information from other states: So far, 33839 persons have registered their cell phone numbers. 16874 complaints regarding stole cell phones have been uploaded so far.
In this trend, apart from the state of Tamil Nadu, we have also started accessing information regarding cell phones stolen from other states as well. This activity has been undertaken mainly because of the fact that the stolen in Tamil Nadu are so9ld in other states and the cell phones stolen from other states are also being sold in Tamil Nadu! Once the details of the stolen cell phones are tracked, we confiscate the stolen items and arrest the culprits.
Action taken on 102 police staff
Our department has been keen on using the hi-tech facilities to prevent crimes and also to track and arrest the culprits.
Last week, a new mobile phone App, GCTP Citizen Services was launched by the Traffic Police Department. With this App, it is possible to track the police staff committing offence by violations by taking photos/video-clips and upload the same and register police complaint and we had promised immediate action will be taken.
Accordingly, during the last week, based on the complaints received through the App GCTP Citizen Services, 102 cases have been booked on erring police staff and action has been taken.
As the Apppp DIGICOP has fast become a hugely popular App. It was decided to add CCTNS service Multiple facilities are available in this App to alleviate the troubles experienced by the public.
The Police must accord due importance to the complaints received through this App. The maximum benefit of this App can be derived only by the prompt activities taken by the police staff. Further, actions are being initiated to provide the entire services rendered by the Police Department on a single platform.’
ADGP Seema Agarwal presided over the function and addressed the gathering. Additional Police Commissioners A Arun, R Dinakaran, Mageshkumar Agarwal, Joint Commissioners Najmul Hoda, C Maheshwari, Vijayakumari, R. Sudhakar, T. S. Anbu, Jayagowri, Assistant Commissioners Muthusamy, R Thirunavukkarasu, Vimala, and NASSCOM GCC President Balasubramanian and others participated.