A new facility is to be introduced shortly enabling online access to details about the medical experts – their consultation hours and related charges.
The initiative for this facility was taken up by the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
The administrators of the Tamil Nadu Medical Council have informed that during the 1st Phase, the details of the medical experts who reside in the Chennai Metro City will be uploaded to be available online.
Subsequently, the details about the medical experts throughout the state of Tamil Nadu will be gradually uploaded.
They further informed that the creation of the special software specifically created for this facility is at the starting stage. This effort has been undertaken with the main objective of maintaining transparency in the availability/operation.
Presently, there are more than 60000 private hospitals and clinics. Over 90000 medical experts are on service in these clinic and private hospitals.
Some of the medical experts working in government hospitals during the day-time also work in private clinics during the evenings. All of them have registered in the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
Generally, the details regarding the availability of these medical experts in the hospitals or clinics and their charges for services are not accessible in public avenues.
In some places, charges vary depending on the nature of the treatment. These anomalies are not informed to the patients. Apart from this, when there are emergency situations, it is not possible to quickly access information regarding the availability of medical experts in hospitals or clinics. Either a person has to attempt calling the hospital or visit the hospital in person. Only then, the information regarding the availability of the medical experts can be known.
In the above scenario, giving due consideration to the plight of the patients especially in emergency conditions, it was planned to set up the compilation of the data pertaining to the availability/consulting hours of the medical experts and their related charges for the consultancy/treatment.
Accordingly, it has been decided to compile the above data/details and create the facility for their access on the pages of the official website of the Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
The president of the Tamil Nadu Medical Council, Dr K. Senthil shared in this regard:
‘Once the software with complete infrastructure is ready, the data pertaining to the medical experts will be updated/uplploaded gradually. With the categorization of this data according to the field of medical expertise, the public can easily access the details of the general practitioners, heart specialists, experts in the treatment of complaints of joints (knees and arms), and the specialist in diabetic treatment, and other medical experts available nearest to their residences/locality.
This website will also contain details such as the consultancy fees charged by the medical experts, their times of availability in the hospitals, the address of the hospitals, etc. It is also planned to include the photographs of the medical experts.
We have emphasised all the medical experts to cooperate and provide all the required details.
Once the facility is open for the public, it will be easily possible to access details regarding medical services as above.’