Kumari Palany & Co

591 job openings in High Court

Posted on: 09/Jul/2019 12:26:52 PM
591 job openings are available in Chennai High Court and candidates are being recruited for these office staff posts including computer operator and typist.

Applications have been invited from the eligible and interested candidates.

As per an announcement, 305 candidates are to be recruited for several pots as office staff including computer operator and typist.

It is noteworthy that there are as much as 229 vacancies for the posts of typists to be filled up. There are 76 job openings for the post of computer operator.

Age Limit : Candidates under 30 years of age are eligible to apply.

Candidates who belong to the reservation quota must be under 35 years of age. For military personnel, candidates must be under 45 years of age.

Academic qualifications : Candidates who are graduates in any faculty, computer training certificate, and certificate of typing course are eligible to apply.

Eligible and interested candidates can pay the application fee and apply online.

As per another announcement, 286 candidates are to be recruited for286 various posts including Assistant, Examiner, Xerox operator, etc. Out of this, there are 119 vacancies for the post of Assistant and there are 142 vacancies for the posts of Examiner. There are 7 vacancies for the post of Xerox operator.

For the above posts, the candidates must be under 30 years of age as on 1st July 2019. Age limit concession would be available as per the government rules and regulations.

Academic qualifications : Candidates must be graduates in any faculty.

Eligible and interested candidates must apply online. The application fee must be paid.

Candidates will be selected based on the performance in the written test, knowledge and skill in English language and interview and spoken language skill test.

The last date for applying all the above posts is 31st July 2019.

For further information, please visit the website : www.mhc.tn.gov.in