Kumari Palany & Co

Say goodbye to the issue of osteoporosis by these

Posted on: 26/Jul/2019 10:12:24 AM
As we grow older our bones become weak and brittle and this condition is termed as osteoporosis. Reduced bone density leads to osteoporosis issue in us are known. It must be noted that when a person has osteoporosis issue then he/she has high risk of getting their bones broken or fracture.

Great care must be taken by those having this issue because even mild bending, falling etc could lead to fracture. Bones like vertebrae in spine, bones of forearm, bone of the hip breaks in those with osteoporosis issue.  It is worthy to note that until broken bone occurs there are typically no symptoms observed. It is necessary that we must have good bone health so that fractures or bone breaking does not take place in us.

By these ways we could have good bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in us.

Avoid low calorie diet:
Be careful and do not take low calorie diet as it might lead to osteoporosis issue.  It is said that a low calorie diet could lead to low bone density in us. In addition to this, low calorie diet could also lead to poor metabolism. Intake of less than 1000 calories for a long time could lead to bone loss. Balanced diet intake is a must.

By intake of calcium:
By taking calcium we could have healthy bones and teeth. Calcium rich foods play a huge role here. It is known that milk and dairy products are loaded with calcium and these must be consumed for strong bones. Seeds, beans, lentils, green leafy vegetables etc have calcium in them and they could also be consumed by us for the sake of healthy bones. The above said are the few examples of non dairy foods.

Intake of vitamin D is important:
Not only intake of calcium is important but also the intake of vitamin D is important to us. It is believed that intake of vitamin D helps in calcium absorption from the food. Mushrooms, egg yolk, cow milk, cereal, oat meal etc are rich in vitamin D.

Exercising regularly:
This is also one of the most important ways to have good bone health. It is revealed that by doing exercises regularly along with right diet it is possible to have good bone health and osteoporosis issue could be prevented in us. Lifting weights and strength training are the best exercises. For persons who are overweight, jogging or walking every day would be superb.