Kumari Palany & Co

SL not to block trade with South India, says Port Minister

Posted on: 05/Apr/2013 12:55:41 PM
The Sri Lankan Government has said that there will be no move to block trade with South India. Rohitha Abeygunawardana, Port and Highway Deputy Minister, said, ‘There were reports regarding a protest by a port employees` organization which said their members will refrain from handling or processing Indian supplies due to the situation in Tamil Nadu. I am confident that such a situation will not arise.’

The statement comes in the wake of protests at the Colombo Port headed by the Organisation for Protecting Harbour Solidarity. Mr. Sanjaya Kumara Weligama, the Organisation’s convenor, said that they wanted to ‘warn’ politicians in India who have been urging the Indian government to take a tougher stand against Sri Lanka in the UN Assembly.