Information is gathered that with only 10 days remaining for the Group-4 written examinations conducted by TNPSC (Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission), the hall tickets will be released n 1 oe 2 days.
The written examination for the Group-4 category for the posts of VAOs (Village Administration Officer) is scheduled to be conducted on 1st September.
More than 13 Lakhs candidates are to write this.
The hall tickets for the above candidates are to be uploaded on th official website of TNPSC.
With oly 4 days remaining, information is gathered that the hall tickets will be uploaded in 1 or 2 days on The TNPSC website.
TNPSC is preparing in this regard and making special arrangements for those who could not get the hall tickets.
The complaint of not receiving the hall ticket can be made through e-mail or toll-free contact telephone number and registered and through this, arrangements have been made to issue the hall tickets.