Kumari Palany & Co

What Mothers Want Conclave : A conference and networking session for mompreneurs

Posted on: 28/Aug/2019 5:25:03 PM
WSquare organizing “ What Mothers Want” an informal conference, that focuses on the opportunities and challenges working mothers go through when returning back to work as entrepreneurs, working mothers or part-time jobs. This conference highlights various angles of being financially independent through interactive workshops, storytelling sessions, fireside chats and panel discussions with accomplished mothers, who are willing to mentor and be role models for more mothers looking to get back to work.

A panel discussion by established mompreneurs who defined their own path to success covering the following topics:
  • Overcoming challenges and the mid-life crisis
  • The importance of reskilling in entrepreneurship
  • Networking - the boon and bane of it

An interactive Debate and Open Session on the skill sets, challenges and motivation women require to get back to work in technology. The session focuses on Inclusive workplace initiatives that women leaders in companies are now focusing on, along with hiring trends, upskilling and maintaining a work-life balance in a corporate culture.

Training on Upskilling and Technical Knowledge every independent mompreneur requires in business to create an online marketplace and a mentoring Session on Digital Marketing & Trends for every mompreneur and women who are looking for a career path in digital transformation.

Date: September 6th 2019

Madras Management Association, 
Anna Salai,

Time : 10:00 am to 05:00 pm, Free entry for women

Further details Contact : 9790911907 /  8939337210