Kumari Palany & Co

Change of date for public holiday date for Muharram

Posted on: 06/Sep/2019 11:18:41 AM
The state government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the public holiday for Muharram will be on 11th September as observed by the Islamic community.

Earlier, this public holiday had been announced to be on 10th September. Now, the State Government Chief Secretary K. Shanmugam has announced that this date has been changed.

An order released by the Chief Secretary mentions:

‘As per the Islamic calendar, the festival of Muharram is observed on the 10th Day of the Islamic calendar month of Muharram. The exact date for the festival is decided on the appearance of the crescent. Accordingly, the crescent would be observed 5 days before and the day/date of the Muharram festival will be decided accordingly. As per this, the crescent for the Islamic calendar month of Muharram was not seen on Thursday (5th September).

When the crescent could not be seen, the 10th day of the Islamic calendar month of Muharram will be observed as the day of Muharram festival. As per this, the day falls on the date 11th September.

As per the list of public holidays released during the start of the year 2019, it had been announced that Muharram festival public holiday will be observed on 10th September. However, as per the observation of the crescent, Muharram will now be celebrated on 11th September (Wednesday) instead of 10th September as per the earlier announcement.’

As above, the Chief Secretary of the Tamil Nadu State Government, K. Shanmugam has announced that Muharram will now be celebrated on11th September and all government offices, schools and colleges will remain closed.