Kumari Palany & Co

Say goodbye to the issue of sore muscles by these ways

Posted on: 09/Oct/2019 10:09:53 AM
There is nothing worse than doing exercises well, feeling satisfied and getting up next day with sore muscles.

It is important to note that after we have finished doing our workouts our body muscles might feel the burn next day. It is now said that the delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS could happen in us between 24 to 48 hours after we have completed physical activity. Information is microscopic tear of muscles in us could lead to sore muscles issue.

By these ways we could treat the sore muscles in us.

By doing warm up exercises:
This is very important when we have sore muscles because doing warm up exercises could get the muscles moving.  The body would get much needed movement and soreness would be reduced.

Drinking water:
One of the important benefits of drinking water is it could help in treating the sore muscles issue in us. It must be noted that drinking of water could reduce the inflammation as well as cramps and finally would help us to get rid of sore muscles.

Intake of mushrooms:
Not many are aware of the fact that intake of mushrooms could actually help in overcoming sore muscles issue. It is believed that the anti-inflammatory properties of mushrooms could reduce muscle soreness.

Drinking tart cherry juice:
The presence of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds of tart cherry juice could treat sore muscles in us. Care must be taken that this juice is consumed in fewer amounts as it has high sugars.

By intake of proteins:
It is superb to consume proteins when we get affected by muscle soreness. It is said that intake of protein could develop our muscle sculpture and helps the muscles to recover faster. Point is we must consume nutritious food atleast 30 minutes after the fitness routine.

By ice treatment:
This is one of the important ways to treat sore muscles issues in us and is very effective too. It is superb to have ice bath to get rid of sore muscles. For this bath couple of bags of ice, epsom salt and cold water are required. It is revealed that when we get out of this cold water bath then our body would feel much better. The blood circulation gets increases by the cold water and finally the sore muscles in us get healed.

Intake of cucurmin:
Rich in antioxidants and having superb anti-inflammatory properties, cucurmin fund in turmeric does tremendously in increasing the recovery process after doing exercise.