Kumari Palany & Co

Deadline for correction in Voters List extended up to 30th November

Posted on: 12/Nov/2019 4:17:56 PM
Indian Election Commission has announced that the deadline for corrections in the voters’ list has been extended up to 30th November and the draft final voters’ list is scheduled to be released on 7th February.

The task of carrying out the corrections in the voters’ list in Tamil Nadu was taken up on the 1st of September. Accordingly, as recommended by the Indian Election Commission, the voters, either by contacting the assistance number 1950 or by using the App NSVP or by the internet, or by public service centres and voters assistance sections, etc., could check the particulars (name, gender, date of birth, address, etc) and correct them on their own, if required.

Earlier, the deadline for the above correcting task was set as 30th September, then as 15th October, and then as 18th November by the Indian Election Commission.

Presently, the Indian Election Commission has extended the deadline until 30th November.

A notification released in this regard by the Indian Election Commission mentions:

The deadline for correcting voters’ data has been extended until 30th November.

Subsequently, the draft voters’ list will be released on 16th December.

Following this, a special camp will be conducted for addition/deletion of names and other corrections from 16th December to 15th January 2020.

The checking/verification of all these new data will be completed before 27th January 2020. Then, the new voters’ list will be released on 7th February.