Kumari Palany & Co

20 more schools to be adopted by the Chennai police

Posted on: 22/Nov/2019 9:38:15 AM
A middle school belonging to Pattalam in north Chennai became the cynosure of many eyes recently. This school was adopted by the Chennai city police and the school received the much-needed facelift. The point is the police would be adopting 20 more schools in northern Chennai.

As per Mr. R. Dhinakaran, additional commissioner of police (North), adopting the schools would provide benefits to the students as well for their department. He spoke about how by adopting the schools the students would be prevented from getting involved in the criminal activities in the area. He also mentioned that by adopting schools the police department would be presenting themselves as people and children friendly.

Information gathered is every AC or Assistant Commissioner has been asked to identify a school in their range in need of their facilities. For the sake of providing facilities, the police department would be associating with resident’s welfare associations, Rotary clubs, and college alumnus, etc. It is important to note that Pulianthope police station adopted a middle school in Pattalam that was run by the Chennai Corporation and by this they had set an example. As many as 206 students belonging to Pulianthope, Pattalam and from nearby areas are studying in this middle school is known. These students are mostly from poor socio-economic backgrounds.

The shocking information is in the past these school premises were used by some anti-social elements and for open defecating purposes. It is superb that this school is now under the control of the Pulianthope police station and the school has been totally cordoned off with a compound wall.

It was later brought out that some students of this school came barefoot in the past and now they come to school wearing black shoes, socks, and tie. To make the school more modern and attractive for the students, the police personnel have put on huge efforts.

Superb information is police have used their own money plus collected money from the people and have purchased chairs, tables, fans, water purifiers and play materials for the students. Pulianthope police inspector, Mr. Krishnamurthy later revealed that the people belonging to the locality have started enquiring about the school.