With the Election Commission having announced that the local elections in Tamil Nadu will be conducted in 2 Phases, the elections are scheduled to be conducted on 2 days on 27th and 30th December.
The Election Commission has announced that with the election by the voting of the people to elect the local administration representatives, an indirect election will be held for the following posts:
Posts through indirect elections:
- District local administration president -31
- District local administration vice-president - 31
- Panchayat Union President -388
- Panchayat Union Vice-president - 388
- Village local administration Vice-president - 12534
Thus, a total of 13362 posts are to be selected through indirect elections. Out of this, the state government of Tamil Nadu has released a journal detailing the allotments for the district local administration president and local Panchayat Union president in the year 2016:
Allotment details:
Out of the total 31 districts local administration president posts available:
- Women (Common) - 12
- Women (special-separate) - 4
- Common (Separate) - 4
- Ancient Tribes (common) -1
- Common - 10
Out of the 358 Panchayat Union President posts available :
- Women (common) - 143
- Women (separate) - 48
- Common (separate) - 48
- Ancient Tribes (Common) - 3
- Ancient tribes (Women) - 3
- Common - 143
Tamil Nadu State Election Commission has planned to conduct the local elections as per the above allotment details.
For full details, please visit the website: