Kumari Palany & Co

Using hair dyes could cause these health issues in us, so be careful

Posted on: 08/Dec/2019 8:17:45 PM
Using hair dyes to colour the hairs has become common now.

It is revealed that more than 35% of women and 20% of men use hair dyes. People use different colours to colour their hairs. The reasons for hair colouring are to cover the white/grey hairs, to appear trendy etc. It is said that the chemicals used in temporary, semi-permanent and permanent hair dyes could have negative impact on the heath.

Few chemicals that are found in hair dyes are ammonia, formaldehyde, coal tar, p- Phenylene diamine or PPD, resorcinol, eugenol etc. The bitter truth is these chemicals are responsible for many diseases.

By using hair dyes for our hairs, we could get these health issues.

Cancer, lung and kidney issues:

The shocking information is PPD or p-Phenylenediamine which is a commonly chemical used in hair dyes could cause urinary bladder cancer, lung and kidney issues. Some research studies have shown that those who used hair dyes once a month had increased risk of getting bladder cancer especially with brown or black colour dyes.

Respiratory issues:

It is known that ammonia present in the hair dye is combined with hydrogen peroxide to create bleach. Asthma and other respiratory issues could occur. Those who suffer from asthma etc might have worsened symptoms after getting exposed to the chemicals in dyes.

Hormonal imbalance:

When a person uses hair dye for long time there would be increase in circulating testosterone levels. It must be noted that plasma testosterone levels was found to be 14% higher in women who have used hair dyes for 10 or more years than women who has never used hair dye.

Allergic contact dermatitis:

Allergic contact dermatitis could result in us due to the chemical p- Phenylenediamine in hair dyes gets absorbed in to the skin.

Damages the foetus:

Both mother as well as foetus could get issues when pregnant mother use hair dye.  It must be noted that 96% of women were of the view that hair dyeing was not safe during pregnancy or during lactation etc.


Hair dyeing could also result in pink eye or conjunctivitis when enough precaution is not taken during the dyeing process.