The last date for application/registration to write NEET (National Entrance-cum-Eligibility Test - for admission to medical colleges - MBBS/BDS) is tomorrow (Tuesday, 31st December).
However, the students expect the deadline for application for NEET to be extended further.
It is mandatory for the students in their final school year interested in pursuing medical courses such as MBBS and BDS to write NEET and pass the same.
In a similar regulation, it is also mandatory for the students pursuing courses for other medicines such as Siddha, Ayurvedha, Unani, Nature-cure, and Homeopathy to write and pass NEET.
NEET for this year (2020) for the students completing +2 this year is scheduled to be conducted on 3rd May. NEET will be conducted throughout the country on the same date with the same question paper.
It has been announced that the question papers will be set in 9 languages including English, Hindi, Urdu, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati, Odiya, Assamese, and Marathi.
The online registration to write NEET commenced 2nd December. The deadline concludes on the stroke of midnight at 12.00 (at the end of the year 2019 and the break of 2020).
At the same time, the students and the parents are expecting that the above deadline will be extended,
There are prospects for this extension to be announced today (Monday, 30th December).