Wednesday is Mahavir Jayanthi, the day that celebrates the birth of Mahavira, the last Tirthankara of Jainism. The day is also known as Mahavir Janma Kalyanak. The birth of Mahavira is celebrated on the thirteenth day post the new moon in the month of Chaitra. This falls between March and April in the English calendar. It is said that he was born in 599 BC.
It is believed that Mahavira was born to King Siddartha and Queen Trishala. When she was pregnant, the Queen had many auspicious dreams that signified that the child would either be a great Emperor or a Tirtankara. When the baby was born, Lord Indra came down to earth to feed him divine milk, which signified that the child would become a Tirtankara.
This religious event is celebrated by visiting a Jain temple and attending sermons that are held.