Kumari Palany & Co

Countrywide Census of house-counting: 31 questions to be asked from 1st April!

Posted on: 10/Jan/2020 4:08:25 PM
The task of raking a census count all homes throughout the country is to be taken up shortly. In this regard, the related officials are to ask around 31 questions to the residents including toilet, TV, vehicles, Phone number, etc.

The census operation for the count of the national population is all set to commence from September this year.

In this, the count will be taken only for the people living in India. Before this, the task of counting all the homes in the country is being taken up by the central census commission. This is set to start on 1st April and conclude on 30th September.

In this regard, the notification released by the Registrar General and the Census Commissioner mentions:

While taking the census of houses, the officials need to ask 31 questions regarding the house including the toilet, TV, Internet, owned vehicles, source of drinking water, the phone number of the house-leader, etc. The phone number is asked just for census and for no other purpose.

Questions regarding the ownership of landline phones, cell phones, smartphones, cycle, scooter, motorcycle, car, radio, TV, Laptop or computer. The building number, the type of flooring, the status of the house, the number of residents in the house, the name of the house-leader and the gender will also be asked.

The officials also need to ask whether the house-leader belongs to the backward community of Ancient Tribes. The details regarding the facilities of electricity, toilet, sewerage/drain system, bathroom, cooking gas connection in the kitchen, the main fuel used for cooking, etc., will be asked.

This census will be done through a mobile App. The usual pen and paper will not be used.