Kumari Palany & Co

These signs would reveal that your body needs water

Posted on: 21/Jan/2020 3:15:35 PM
To regulate the body temperature and to maintain other body functions, the body uses water in all its cells, organs, tissues etc. Various important functions performed by water are lubricating the joints, protecting tissues, dissolving minerals and nutrients and making them accessible to the body. Water in the body also helps in avoiding issues like constipation etc.

Our body loses water through sweating, breathing, digestion etc. Therefore, it is necessary that we must re-hydrate our body by drinking fluids or consuming foods having water.

Our body would show various signs that it needs water and these are


Our brain could temporarily contract or shrink from the loss of fluids and this might happen when our body gets dehydrated. As a result, the brain gets pulled away from the skull leading to pain and dehydration headache.

Poor mood and poor memory:

It is known that the human brain holds 90 percent of water and when water gets dried then we might get poor memory and mood might get affected etc.

Dry mouth and bad breath:

This is also one important sign shown by the absence of water in us. The spit in our mouth gets reduced by lack of water and this might result in more bacteria in the mouth. Finally, we would have bad breath.

Food cravings:

It is said that often our body sends false signals that we are hungry but the fact is we would be actually thirsty. By drinking a glass of water before consuming something would bring our food cravings down.

Feeling fatigued and lethargic:

Dehydration or lack of water would result in lethargy and fatigue issues. Low circulatory strain plus insufficient oxygen supply throughout the body could take place due to the lack of water. It must be noted that the absence of oxygen could result in lethargy and lazy feeling.