Kumari Palany & Co

Lift Safety Tips: ORONO Lifts

Posted on: 21/Feb/2020 11:26:37 AM
Have a safe and pleasant experience in lift travelling. Nowadays elevators offer smooth operations, good communications during emergencies. Everyone who uses elevator everyday needs to know safety tips to avoid endangering ourselves.

As you approach the lift
  • Know your destination. Push the UP or DOWN button for the direction you want to go.
  • Stand aside for exiting passengers.
  • Wait for the next car if the lift is full.
  • Do not try to stop a closing door with anything including hands, feet, canes, etc. Wait for the next lift.
  • Take the stairs if there is a fire in the building.
When you enter and leave the lift
  • Watch your step, and enter and exit carefully.
  • Hold children and pets firmly.
  • Stand clear of the doors, and keep clothes and carry-ons away from the opening.
  • Push and hold the Door Open button if doors need to be held open, or ask someone to push the button for you.
When riding on a lift
  • Stand back from the doors.
  • Hold onto the handrail if one is available.
  • Pay attention to the floor indicators.
  • If the doors do not open when the lift stops, push the Door Open button.
What someone should do when a lift stops between floors
  • Utilize the alarm button and wait for assistance.
  • If a phone is available, follow instructions to summon help.
  • Remain patient. There is plenty of air and the interior of the lift is designed for passenger safety.
What someone should NOT do when a lift stops between floors
  • Do not attempt to force open the doors.
  • Do not attempt to leave the lift. The lift hatch is designed for professional personnel who will provide assistance from the outside of the lift cab.