The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, E. Palaniswamy, has informed that 144, presently imposed, will be made far more stringent if the public ends to come out quite unnecessarily!
The Chief Minister inspected the camps where the employees from other states are presently sheltered.
After this, he shared with the press:
All required facilities have been arranged for the employees from other states. I met some of the employees sheltered here. The state government of Tamil Nadu has arranged various facilities for the employees from other states who have come to Tamil Nadu. All the 3 basic necessities - food, clothing, and shelter have been provided for them! There are 1.34 Lakhs workers from other states in Tamil Nadu.
There are no blocks for bringing essential items. Especially, as they are needed by us and procured from other states! At the same time, stringent controls have been imposed in other states as well due to the coronavirus outrage! As the trucks/lorries which are used for transporting these items are not being operated, some shortage has occurred.
As the Prime Minister has already instructed that there should be no blocks for transporting essential items, this problem will be resolved.
Lockdown has been imposed throughout the country, mainly in order to keep social distancing.
As of now, several of the citizens, without realizing the gravity of the crisis of virus spread, are roaming around in cars and 2-wheelers as a merry-time-pass!
All the government pleads for the citizens to understand is the real gravity of the situation of the raging coronavirus pandemic and the associated perils – They MUST know there is no medicine yet for this virus, as announced by the doctors!
So, the public must extend full-cooperation to prevent the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic.
144 imposition is not meant to disturb/harm the citizens! It is only to protect the citizens!
The public may come out to buy essential items but need not do this every day! During an outing, they can buy items for the 1-week requirement.
It is only for the public to understand, appreciate and cooperate! This is their duty!
However, it is sad to note at this time, some citizens fail to cooperate! The government is extending the maximum help it can provide to the public - public, in turn, MUST extend their whole-hearted-cooperation to 144 imposition and the lockdown.
If they fail, 144 will have to be far more stringent from now onwards! Immediate stringent action will be taken on offenders who venture out without any necessity!