Multiple Covid-19 has been reported from some areas belonging to the Chennai city. It is now revealed that these areas have been identified and sealed by the Corporation of Chennai. There is now strict restriction regarding movement of people and traders in these areas in Chennai.
To stop the movement of vehicles in these areas, on Friday, clusters were sealed and barricaded by the authorities at various entry points. The residents in these areas were not allowed to go out of their homes even for purchasing essential items and the uniformed police personnel made sure that the residents stayed in their homes in these sealed areas in Chennai.
For the sake of identifying symptomatic cases, the Chennai Corporation has deployed 25 to 30 people in each cluster. After the identification of symptomatic cases gets over, the doctors would come in. The affected person would be provided with an option of going to a private hospital for treatment as per the option. The doctors would also make their arrangements for an ambulance to take the person to government hospitals if the person does not want to go to private hospital.
An official belonging to Chennai Corporation mentioned that baseline data in hot spot clusters have been generated and more than 150 persons with symptoms have been admitted to the hospitals.
In the Chennai Corporation limits till now, as many as 78 cases have been reported and many new positive cases reported in the clusters have attended the meeting at New Delhi in March.