A research paper published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases says that a test has been identified which can determine if children with malaria a likely to develop cerebral malaria. The test can be performed on the infected child and help diagnose the more life threatening form of the disease.
The research was conducted at the Michigan State University in the United States. Speaking about their findings, MSU Assistant Professor Karl Seydel said, ‘Rural health workers have to make these decisions with very little objective data, and the consequences of an inappropriate decision are huge. Children who progress to cerebral malaria have a 20 percent mortality rate, or even higher if they don`t get the right treatment early in the disease process.
‘We found that if HRP2 (a protein produced by the malaria parasite) levels are low, clinicians can be more than 98 percent sure the child will not progress to cerebral malaria. That would give them the confidence to merely prescribe oral drugs and send the child home.’