For the human body to do its functions correctly a chemical compound is needed in small amounts and this is vitamin. In the year 1912, term ‘Vitamin’ was coined by a biochemist named Casimir Funk is known.
It is known to us that intake of vitamin is important but not many know that excess intake of vitamins could lead to many issues. Two major types of vitamins are water soluble vitamins (vitamin B and C) and fat soluble vitamins (vitamin A, D, E). The water soluble vitamins are not stored in our tissues and they get excreted from the body whereas the fat soluble vitamins are stored in the tissues by our body and get accumulated.
Various issues that we could get by excess intake of vitamins are
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin C:
If we consume excess of this vitamin then we could get issues like diarrhoea, cramps, nausea, migraines, vomiting etc.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin B3:
Excess intake could lead to high BP, abdominal pain, impaired vision etc.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin B6:
It is said that excess consumption of this could result in neurological issues, skin lesions, sensitivity to light, heartburn etc.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin B9:
Immune system gets affected, mental ability gets affected etc.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin A:
Hypervitaminosis A or vitamin A toxicity could occur by huge intake of this vitamin. Issues like nausea, more inter-cranial pressure etc could also take place.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin D:
Excess consumption of this could result in appetite loss, weight loss, irregular heart beat and damage to organs etc.
Issues due to excess intake of vitamin E:
Over consuming this could interfere with blood clotting. Hemorrhages could occur in persons.