As the impact/intensity of the raging coronavirus pandemic is at its peak in the state of Tamil Nadu, the Chennai High Court ordered an enquiry that the government TASMAC shops MUST NOT BE OPEN.
Subsequently, the state government of Tamil Nadu appealed to the Supreme Court. On enquiry, the Supreme Court ordered an interim ban on the Chennai High Court verdict and then the state government of Tamil Nadu opened the TASMAC shops.
However, in the neighboring state of Pondicherry, which had remained a haven for drinkers over decades, the TASMAC shops are yet to be opened!
Thus, with the government TASMAC shops closed in Puducherry, they are open in Tamil Nadu state! This situation has met with severe criticism and protests.
At this juncture, the Chief Minister of Puducherry, Narayanaswamy informed that the cabinet will have a review meeting shortly on this issue and a decision regarding opening TASMAC shops will be taken.
In this scenario, it had been announced that the TASMAC shops would be open from today (Tuesday, 19th May) in Puducherry. In this regard, the state government of Puducherry has informed that a decision had been taken at the cabinet-level meeting regarding this and the TASMAC shops will be open from 7.00 AM to 7.00 PM in the state.
However, there seems to be a sudden turn of events in this regard to the cabinet decision! As approval was not obtained from the State Lieutenant Governor Kiran Bedi on this, TASMAC shops will not be open today (Tuesday, 19th May).
As such, the Chief Minister Narayanaswamy informed that activities have been initiated to open the government TASMAC shops from day-after-tomorrow (21st May).