With the 4th Phase of the lockdown conditions imposed throughout the country as a preventive measure against the spreading of the raging coronavirus pandemic, the central government had earlier announced that the CBSE (Central Board for Secondary Education) Public Examinations for the 10th Standard and +2 classes will be conducted from 1st July.
However, the Public Examinations for certain subjects for the 12th Standard (+2) have not been conducted and they were postponed.
Earlier, it was planned to have 3000 Public Examination Centres.
However, in the present conditions of coronavirus pandemic, giving due consideration to the students’ health and also reducing the time taken for travel by these candidates, the number of Public Examination Centres have been increased from the earlier proposed 3,000 to 15,000 centres,
The Central Minister for Human Welfare Development has also informed that the examinations WILL NOT BE CONDUCTED IN REGIONS WHERE THE CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC IMPACT IS MORE!