It had been planned by the State Government of Tamil Nadu to construct a Tidal Information Park at a cost of Rs. 235 Crores on behalf of the State Department of Industries.
This will be 21-storeyed multi-storeyed building with 5.57 Lakhs sq ft in 10 acres of land.
This Park is set to accommodate offices with the latest hi-tech facilities, industrial centres, public infrastructure, sky-park, and several latest hi-tech facilities.
This project will pave the way for the growth of industries in North Chennai area just as it developed in South Chennai with the Tidal Park.
Encouragement and incentives are to be given for the setting up of industries around this area and direct job opportunities for 25000 persons.
This project is scheduled to be completed in 4 months to be in action.
This project will be a landmark in Tamil Nadu State and will be helpful in the social and economic growth of this North Chennai Region!
This is a long-term project which will pave the way to take the State of Tamil Nadu to the future world with new industries, micro/small/mini/medium industries, etc.!
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palanisway laid the foundation stone for this challenging and ambitious project through a video-conference from the Chennai Chief Secretariat.
During this inaugural event, State Minister for industries, M. C. Sampath handed over a cheque for Rs. 50 Lakhs to the Chief Minister for the State Disaster Relief Fund.
Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palaniswamy also launched the ‘COVID Relief and Development Project’ on behalf of the Tamil Nadu Industrial Investment Corporation to give financial relief to the micro/mini/small/medium industries due to the economic/financial hardship faced by these industries during these times of the raging coronavirus pandemic and associated restrictions against its spread!
Under this scheme, the customers of the Tamil Nadu Industries Investment Corporation of the micro/mini/small/medium industries entrepreneurs will be given loans up to an amount of Rs. 25 Lakhs in fast time directly at their places at a low-interest rate without any mortgaging need!
In this scheme, permission has been granted to offer loans up to Rs. 112 Crores for 855 micro/mini/small/medium industries.
Out of the above, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palniswamy distributed cheques for Rs. 25 Lakhs each to 5 mini/micro/medium/small industry entrepreneurs.<.
State Industries Minister M. C. Sampath, Tamil Nadu Development Minister K. Pandiyarajan, Chief Secretary K. Shanmugam, Chief Secretary of the Industries Department, N. Muruganandam, the President and Managing Director of the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation Kakarla Usha, Managing Director (in charge) of Tidal Foundation Dr K. P. Karhikeyan, and other senior officials of the state government and officials from industry sector participated in the above event.