Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palaniswamy has informed that the proposed 10th Standard Public Examinations (scheduled to be conducted from 15th June) are cancelled and all students are declared as passed.
The Tamil Nadu Chief Minister spoke on the Television:
“Public from various sector demanded that the proposed 10th Standard Public Examinations must be cancelled. Actually, the impact/intensity of the raging coronavirus pandemic has been very high in Tamil Nadu, especially including the Chennai Metro City.
Experts have given their categorical opinion that there are no prospects of this spread of coronavirus pandemic to get reduced in a short duration.
As such and duly considering the aspect of the students’ health and safety, the 10th Standard Public Examinations which were scheduled to be conducted from 15th June and the proposed Public Examinations for the 11th Standard (+1) for the balance subjects ARE ALL CANCELLED.
As there would be no public examinations, all the 10th Standard students are deemed as passed! The marks for the annual session will be computed based on the 80% of marks obtained in the quarterly and half-yearly examinations and the balance 20% based on the attendance record.
As regards the supplementary examinations for the 12th Standard (+2), a decision will be taken based on the developments and the status.”