Though multi-faceted activities have been implements=ed and being followed to check/prevent the spread of the raging coronavirus pandemic, the impact/intensity of the virus spread has been heavily increasing each passing day!
In this situation, The Delhi Government has imposed new restrictions for the people with symptoms of coronavirus infection while isolating them.
As per this, the patients with a severe infection of te coronavirus will be sent to the coronavirus treatment centres.
At the same time, the families of the above patients will be isolated in 2-bed Room houses/apartments with separate toilets.
For the persons confirmed with infection, the intensity of the virus attack will be checked with the assistance of the medical officer by certain tests.
For the coronavirus patients with light infection, only in case these patients do not have isolation facilities in their residences, they will be taken to corona treatment centres. For infected persons, oxymeter will be given in the test centres.
For the patient’s in house isolation, based on medical recommendation, oxymeters and other medical kits will be given. In case the patients in the residence show symptoms of severe infection, they will be immediately sent to the treatment centres.