The news that has come out now is that GCC or Greater Chennai Corporation has successfully traced more than 26,000 contacts of 5,000 Coronavirus patients in the last 3 days. It is known that contact tracing has been made compulsory in New Delhi.
GCC has stopped testing of asymptomatic persons and only those vulnerable contacts are being tested now.
It has been revealed by the data from the Chennai Corporation that GCC through sanitary inspectors had traced 26,199 contacts of 5,301 Coronavirus patients who have tested positive between 24th June and 26th June 2020.
According to a sanitary inspector attached to the Central Chennai region, both home contacts or family persons and extended contacts of the infected persons must be identified.
Of the total contacts traced in the last 3 days, as many as 12,470 persons are family contacts and 13,729 are extended contacts. Point is GCC had traced 6,412 and 11,399 contacts on 24th June and 25th June 2020 respectively. On Friday, GCC has traced as many as 8,388 contacts. This was according to the data.
Testing Strategy:
It was brought out by the sanitary inspector that Coronavirus testings were conducted on the contacts (aged persons and those with co-morbid conditions).
The World Health Organisation or WHO has made it clear that contacts are those who have stayed within 1 meter of the infected persons for more than 15 minutes, direct physical contacts with the infected persons plus and the persons who provided direct care for the patients without using PPEs.