Bharath Biotech, which has embarked on a project to find the coronavirus vaccine, commenced the final phase of testing its product on human patients for the 1st time yesterday (Friday, 18th July).
The State Government of Haryana has informed that this vaccine was injected in 3 infected persons and there have been no side-effects.
As at present, the cure/vaccine for coronavirus pandemic IS YET TO BE INVENTED. Several countries are making their utmost efforts to do various researches and testing in this mission!
Bharath BioTech, located in Hyderabad, had commenced its endeavor to invent the right cure/vaccine for the raging coronavirus pandemic after obtaining approval from ICMR (Indian Council for Medical Research). The vaccine is named ‘covaxine’.
The testing and analytical activities of the invented vaccine have been undertaken in the P. G. Hospital located in Rohtak, Haryana. As at present, several stages of testing have been completed and it is now in the final stage.