The State Government of Tamil Nadu has granted permission to open the public libraries from 1st September.
Over 4000 libraries in Tamil Nadu including the District Central Libraries, Connemara Library, Anna Centenary Library, etc., have remained closed due to the lockdown imposition by the central and the state governments as a preventive measure against the raging coronavirus pandemic!
In this situation, following a large number of appeals from the pubic for the reopening of these libraries, the Director of the Public Libraries recommended the reopening of the public libraries. Accordingly, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered the reopening of the public libraries from 1st September.
It is mentioned in the related Government Notification that these libraries will be open from 8.00 AM until 2.00 PM. It is further added that senior citizens above 65 years of age, children, and pregnant women will not be permitted to enter public libraries.