The State Government of Tamil Nadu has announced that the reopening of schools and colleges is further postponed and the dates of reopening will be announced later depending on the situation Issue of the raging coronavirus spread).
Due to the outbreak of the raging coronavirus pandemic, the whole country including Tamil Nadu has been affected by the total lockdown imposition as a preventive measure. The academic institutions including schools and colleges have remained closed since last 7 months and the issue of reopening has led to postponement! Subsequently, the students are being taught through the avenues of Education TV telecast and conducting online classes.
Meanwhile, the state government, continuously monitoring the pandemic situation, decided to allow the reopening of schools on 16th |November.
However, in this period, the onset of the Northeast Monsoon Rainy Season and the spread of news on the 2nd wave of coronavirus spread compelled the parents of the students, academicians, and the opposition political parties including the DMK insisted that the reopening must be further postponed.
Subsequently, the state government of Tamil Nadu took the initiative of obtaining the feedback/suggestions/opinions from the parents of the students regarding reopening of schools, As per the feedback, it was ascertained that most parents were AGAINST THE REOPENING!
In the meantime, the schools and colleges were reopened in other states including Andhra – immediat3ly after the reopening, there was another spurt in the spread of the coronavirus pandemic! The 2nd the wave of the coronavirus pandemic has affected several countries over the world.
People from various cross-sections including those in high positions as judges being affected with coronavirus infection, it would be rather tough for the children to resume schooling in this environment. So, the court opines that it would be advisable to postpone the reopening of the schools and colleges until December. Further, the Madurai Branch of the Chennai High Court has forwarded on Wednesday (11th November) the opinion that the State Government of Tamil Nadu must consider the situation/feedback in other states while deciding the time for reopening of schools and colleges.
In this situation as noted above, with the already announced reopening date on 16th November for the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th, following the high court suggestion, the State Government of Tamil |Nadu has now announced that the reopening of schools is further postponed and the reopening date will be announced later as per the situation.
In a similar vein, the reopening of the colleges is also postponed! However, the colleges for the postgraduate students in Science in Engineering and the hostels will reopen on 2nd December. The State Government of Tamil Nadu has further announced that the detailed guidelines for the functioning of these institutions including the college/university hostels will be released separately.
It is further announced that online education for other students, presently in progress, will continue.
As there are confirmed reports that several countries throughout the world are affected with a 2nd wave of the raging coronavirus pandemic spread, the State Governrnment of Tamil Nadu is constrained to intensify the various activities on prevention of the same.
Hence, the State Government of Tamil Nadu has ordered that the recent government order, permitting the gathering of 00 people on various fronts such as political, entertainment, and cultural fronts, and academic related functions are also CANCELLED!