The shoppers have been coming to T. Nagar for deepavali purchases. It is revealed that the residents belonging to Usman Road and Ranganathan Street are facing the brunt due to haphazard parking of the vehicles by the shoppers.
The street has been fully taken over by the shoppers for parking their vehicles and this was according to Mr. Jayaraman of Motilal Street Residents Welfare Association. Many complaints have been issued by the residents and no action has been taken till now. The association stated that there has been no space for the residents and for the pedestrians..
The lack of parking facilities in T. Nagar has made many shoppers park their vehicles on the streets. This was according to some shoppers. It must be taken into account that the parking has been streamlined in the pedestrian plaza in Thyagaraya Road.
A shopper spoke about how they have to walk a long distance to reach Ranganathan Street from Thyagaraya Road. Multi level car parking has been constructed near Pondy Bazaar and GCC has delayed the opening of this is well known.
It must be recalled that in October minister Mr. Velumani hinted about the opening of the multi level car parking facility for the public. Trial run is being conducted and the opening of the facility has been delayed due to this and it would be opened in December. Information collected is that once when the multi level car parking gets opened then it would be the first such facility in Chennai constructed by GCC.