The international speed post and parcel booking services were suspended by India Post in March as a preventive measure against the spread of the raging coronavirus pandemic. Now, after a gap of 8 months, India Post resumed the above services on Friday (yesterday, 4th December).
In this regard, a press release issued by the Senior Superintendent of Post Offices, Chennai City North Division, said:
“India Post has been exclusively providing International speed post and parcel bookings throughout India for worldwide delivery. Due to Covid-19 pandemic, many international flights were not operated due to which the services for various countries were temporarily suspended. Now the services have been restored.”
While Speed International has been restored to 67 countries, Air Parcels to 82 countries, ITPS has been resumed to 15 countries and Registered Letters to 82 countries.
People were requested to avail the services by sending parcels and speed post to all friends and relatives staying abroad.