The Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, Edappadi Palaniswamy, has declared the popular festival of ‘Thai-Poosam’ as a Government Holiday and included it in the regular list of Tamil Nadu State Government Holidays.
The festival of ‘Thai-Poosam’, which falls on the day the star ‘Poosam’ (one of the 27 stars as per the Hindu Almanac) falls on the Tamil Calendar month of Thai, with the occurrence of a Full Moon Day, is traditionally considered as a sacred day for the Tamil God Lord Muruga and performed as the festival of Thai Poosam.
As it is also considered as the birthday of Lord Muruga, special Poojas are performed in all temples dedicated to Lord Muruga.
Certain well-known rituals, such as devotees of men carrying `Kavadi` on the shoulders while visiting the temple of Lord Muruga, and the women carrying pots of milk and ‘Annadhanam’ (offering free food to people) are performed wonderfully on the Thai-Poosam day every year!
Thai-Poosam is celebrated with pomp, vigour and devotion in a grand manner, not only in the State of Tamil Nadu but also several other places, including the State of Kerala, and other countries including Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, and Indonesia.
As the festival of Thai-Poosam is declared as a holiday in countries such as Sri Lanka and Mauritius, there has been a persistent appeal/demand from the devotees and the citizens to declare it as a holiday in the State of Tamil Nadu as well! Subsequently, this appeal/demand has been thoroughly reviewed and now, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu has declared ‘Thai-Poosam’ as a State Government Holiday! The Chief Minister of the State Government of Tamilnadu has ordered that the festival of Thai-Poosam as a holiday in subsequent years as well ad include it in the State Government Annual List of holidays.