Kumari Palany & Co

Hall-tickets for GATE 2021entrance exams for engineering courses

Posted on: 09/Jan/2021 3:32:53 PM
The Hall-tickets for GATE 2021, the entrance examination for admission to the engineering courses offered by the Central Government Engineering Institutions, have been released.

Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering - GATE – is the entrance examinations for the candidates who have finished their school education and wish to pursue high-quality esteemed Central Academic Institutions such as IIT (Indian Institute of Technology) and I. I. Sc. (Indian Institute of Science). GATE is a 100-marks examination and is held for different 27 specialisation faculties such as civil, mechanical, computer science, electronics and communication, etc.

This GATE is conducted by either the Indian Institute of Science (located in Bangalore) or any of the 7 Indian Institutes of Technology (located in Delhi, Chennai, etc.). This year’s GATE (2021) is conducted by IIT Bombay.

Every year, the GATE is conducted in different Phases during February. Accordingly, GATE for the academic year 2021-22 is scheduled to be conducted on 5th, 6th, 7th, 12th, 13th & 14th February.

In this situation, the Hall-tickets for GATE 2021 have been released. The candidates can download this from the website after entering their name and password.

Mode GATE examinations are conducted on the website:

For further information: gate.iitb.ac.in