Kumari Palany & Co

In TN, the board exams for the classes 10 and 12 might be easier- 9 and 11 classes to begin after this

Posted on: 27/Jan/2021 10:07:37 AM
Superb piece of information for the students and parents!!

It is known that the school education department in TN has made 40% syllabus optional for the students of classes 10 and 12. Now, the school education department is having plans to simplify the board exams question papers by making changes in the pattern

On Tuesday, school education minister Mr. K.A. Sengottaiyan mentioned that the department has been discussing with academicians regarding making changes in the board examination question papers. He added that the schedule for the board exams for classes 10 and 12 were also being discussed. Simplified question paper has been expected by students, parents and the teachers. A decision would be taken on that soon.

On Monday, the school education department had released the details of 60% prioritised syllabus for class 9. The minister was questioned about the parents meeting before reopening for classes 9 and 11. He pointed out that the parents have given their approval for reopening of schools for the classes 9 and 11 in the previous meeting itself. It must be noted that around 98% of the parents were in favour of schools reopening for the classes from 9 to 12. In the first phase, classes have been opened for classes 10 and 12 and CM of TN would be consulted for reopening of classes 9 and 11. More than 6000 schools have been reopened in TN after taking many precautionary measures.

Basic learning assessment tests are being conducted by the school education department at various government schools for the students of classes 10 and 12. It is worthy to note that for the students studying classes 10 and 12 2100 video lessons in both English and in Tamil have been loaded on their laptops. It is known that for students of classes 1 to 10 more than 4500 video lessons have been broadcast on Kalvi TV etc.