WITH THE RECENT ANNOUNCEMENT MADE BY THE Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu declaring that all the students of the classes of the 9th, 10th,& 11th Standards deemed as PASS without writing the annual/Public examinations, the official Tamil Nadu Government Order regarding the same has been released.
Due to the raging coronavirus pandemic, all the schools were closed since last March (2020) under lockdown imposed by the central & state governments as a preventive measure. As the extent/impact of the coronavirus pandemic spread continued, the schools remained unopened.
In the given situation as above, though the schools have been reopened recently for some classes, as the right environment could not be provided for the students to study and understand online classes, the annual/Public examinations could not be conducted properand as such, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister E. Palaniswamy announced that all the students are deemed as ‘PASSED’.
In the above explained scenario, following the announcement of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, the official Government Order on above has now been released.
In this Government Order, it is mentioned:
“As a preventive measure and as per guidelines given by the Central Government regarding the prevention of the raging coronavirus spread, lockdown conditions have been imposed from 25th March 2020 as per the National Disaster Management Act with certain relaxations being announced on the restrictions with each subsequent extension of the lockdown impositions.
As a preventive measure against the spread of the raging coronavirus pandemic, during the academic year 2020-21, all the academic institutions, especially all schools were closed. With subsequent abatement in the severity/impact of the coronavirus pandemic spread, the schools were reopened on 10th January for the students of the 10th & 12th Standards students.
As such, the students learnt only through online classes right through this period.
Giving due consideration to the difficulties and hardships experienced by the students learning through online classes through Education TV and online classes, the syllabus for the respective classes was reduced,
Giving whole-hearted and deserving consideration to the abnormal conditions encountered by the students and the teachers this academic year as explained above, and also reviewing the appeal from the parents of the students, and taking the suggestions given by the expert academicians, IT IS ANNOUNCED THAT ALL THE STUDENTS OF THE CLASSES OF THE 9TH, 10TH, & 11TH STANDARDS IN THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21ARE DECLARED AS PASSED WITHOUT THE NORMALLY CONDUCTED ANNUAL/PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS.”