Kumari Palany & Co

Step by step procedure for getting tested for Covid-19 in Chennai

Posted on: 23/Apr/2021 9:16:43 AM
As many as 3750 fresh or new Coronavirus positive cases have been reported in Chennai on Wednesday. At present, there are 29 256 persons under the treatment and this includes those who are in home isolation too. From20th April 2021, new restrictions have come into force.

It is now pointed out that if there is any person from Chennai suspected to have contracted Covid-19 infection then he or she must follow these steps without fail.

Dr. Alby John, regional deputy commissioner, GCC threw light about the Covid-19 protocol and he compiled step-by step guide.

To get isolated and tested:
Persons who have come in contact with Covid-19 positive patients or having some confusion about the symptoms then they must isolate themselves first. Then, they must proceed to test themselves.

It is important to inform the GCC volunteer who visits the houses. Point is that these volunteers would arrange transport to take you to nearest GCC testing centre for the test.

For an assessment, the persons can also visit the fever clinics near their homes and get tested for Covid-19 infection. Details are available here

The person can also go to the static testing centres that have been set up in every zone and request for a test. There are many walk-in Covid-19 testing centres available in Chennai. Information is available here 

Truth is that RT-PCR tests are done free of cost at all the above centres. The person must visit these places following Covid-19 protocols like wearing facemasks properly etc. It is known that GCC is not doing any home testing and the persons must contact a private testing lab and get a lab technician to come to their homes for collecting swab samples.

Getting results:
The next step is to get the results for the Covid-19 tests. Inside 24 hours, those who test Covid-19 positive would be informed by the GCC staff. Persons who test negative for Coivid-19 would be informed in 36 hours by text message.

Level of care:
The symptoms would be assessed by the GCC staff and they would take the person to a nearby centre. Here, the doctors would suggest the type or level of care that would be needed for him or her. The person would be allowed to be isolated at their homes or taken to Covid-19 Care Centre or hospital based on the symptoms and on the facilities present in the homes.

Contact tracing:
This is an important work that is being done by the GCC. The GCC would trace contacts (family and other contacts) of the Covid-19 positive patient. The purpose of contact tracing is to make sure that they too get tested and nobody else has been affected.

Post recovery:
To check if a Covid-19 positive person is now negative, GCC would be conducting a repeat test. Point is that it is understood that the patient has recovered either 10 days from the date of testing positive for Covid-19 or 3 days from the day when the person does not show any symptoms. Whichever is later would be taken into consideration.