Kumari Palany & Co

Doctors and nurses to visit the homes of COVID patients in home isolation in Chennai

Posted on: 01/May/2021 9:11:06 AM
Don’t be surprised if you see doctors and nurses visiting the Covid-19 home isolation patients in Chennai!!

Many Coronavirus affected patients are now in home quarantine or isolation in Chennai. The teams of doctors and nurses belonging to GCC would be sent to the houses of these Covid-`19 patients( in home isolation) and they would be providing quality healthcare at their doorsteps. This was mentioned by Mr G. Prakash Chennai corporation commissioner. For the purpose of helping home isolated patients, GCC has hired additional 120 doctors and 100 nurses.

It is said that over 320 doctors would be going to this field work and they would be visiting the houses of Covid-19 patients for checking their health and well being. At present, more than 70percent of 33500 active cases are in home isolation.

It has been brought out by a data from GCC that 13percent of active cases need high grade treatment. Mr. Prakash explained that the number of persons who need such treatments would increase. Steps have been taken by GCC to provide high grade treatment to more than 4000 Covid-19 patients. He revealed that there would be 1000 beds at Chennai Trade Centre (860 oxygen beds and 140 normal beds). It is learnt that GCC would develop 100 oxygen beds at injambakkam, 100 beds in Manali and 240 beds at Tondiarpet hospital in another 10 days of time.

The shocking piece of information is that the number of cases per day in 15 GCC zones has increased from 2350 during the peak of the first wave in 2020 to 6200 in the current second wave. There is some delay in getting additional vaccine stocks and due to this GCC would not start administering vaccines to those above the age of 18 on Saturday, 1st May 2021. In the Chennai city, more than 16.2lakhs persons have received vaccination.