Who cares if there is a total lockdown or not!!
With a total lockdown imposed in Chennai and TN from 10th May onwards to contain Covid-19 spread, the public are supposed to follow all the rules. This is not at all happening now in Chennai and many motorists and public are taking it easy and violating the rules.
Now, the police department has started using drones to keep a close eye on those who violate lockdown rules in Chennai. This was as per a senior police officer. Truth is that the police department is now implementing the lockdown restrictions in a stricter manner now. On Friday, 14th May alone as many as 2079 cases of violation were booked by the police personnel in Chennai.
It must be taken into note that as many as1727 vehicles that include two wheelers, autos, and four wheelers etc have been detained by the police for violating the rules. Many did not wear facemasks in public places and as many as 1346 cases were booked yesterday. For not maintaining social distancing as many as 83 cases were booked. For violation of lockdown norms, as many as 64 shops were booked. Check points have been erected at 200 points in Chennai by the Law and Order police and 18 points were manned by the cops belonging to the police department. Many bike riders who roamed unnecessary in Chennai southern suburbs were booked by the police yesterday.
In localities like Alandur, Chromepet, Pallavaram etc, police personnel went on patrol and they seized bikers who came out on the roads unnecessary. It is known that in this total lockdown people are not supposed to come out unless it is necessary. This has been announced by the TN government already. It has been revealed now that just 20% came out with a genuine reason.