The price of cement per bag was reduced by Rs. 30/- due to the recent intervention by the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin and the price has now come down further today (Wednesday, 23rd June) by Rs. 25/- per bag as announced by the cement manufacturers!
The Tamil Nadu State Minister for Industries, Thangam Thennarasu has informed that after a detailed discussion with the manufacturers, the price of cement which was Rs. 490/- per bag was brought down to Rs. 460/- per bag and the price of rods was reduced by Rs. 1000/- per ton.
In this situation, in a report released by the South India Cement Manufacturers’ Federation, it is mentioned that after giving due consideration to the appeal from the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, the price of cement is being further reduced by Rs. 25/- per bag!
As such, the price of cement per bag has been brought down to Rs. 435/-!